Why there is a war for best browser?
Internet Explorer 7 VS Firefox
Who is the bond on internet? Microsoft or Mozilla. I think so both have some flaws and good things in them. It’s not a war of open source and Microsoft. It's just a way of those people to get satisfaction by abusing closed source companies. "Abuse" just because companies day b day don't allow them to use pirated softwares and getting new updates.
Firefox have several things in it easy to use features like tabbed browsing and???? Is there any. You may yes, Extensions. So buddies I want to tell you with each addition of extension you will increase memory requirement of your browser, which is already too high. Frequent browser crash is main drawback of Firefox. It’s true that Firefox is one of the best browsers, But we can't ignore this fact that Internet Explorer is much more ahead of Firefox.
Now come to IE7. One thing is sure when it comes to graphics and user interface no once can beat Microsoft. But still there are some security issues which are coming with IE 7. Tabbed browsing is also there. No one in this world is perfect. Everything has pros and cons. So why not browsers. I am unable to understand why there is a debate going on who is best IE or Mozilla. IE has its own user base and Mozilla has its own. When you want more graphics you have to loose security and when you need more security you have to loose graphics.
Life is a compromise those who can do it survive on earth others can’t. So a user must decide according to his needs that which browser is best for him.
There is a famous phrase in the world that “security is meant only for novice users, miscellaneous user will find some way to crack security”. I use to work on both IE and Firefox as well.
But side by side, whether I use Firefox or IE, I always use firewall and antivirus system also. I use to surf the good sites.
People use to surf sites which have porn content or provides software cracks or serial. Normally these types of sites try to hack your browser or inject a virus in computer. So people should take proper precaution when they visit these types of sites.
Tips to visit sites which provide suspicious content:-
- When you surf net use a restricted window user account rather than account having administrator privileges.
- Install a good anti virus on your system and update it regularly.
- Install a good firewall on your system and also update it plus raise the level of protection than normal one.
- Disable JavaScript of your browser.
- Never install any plug-in/Activex suggested by site until unless you are satisfied with gentility of site. Like you can easily trust Microsoft, Yahoo, Google etc. But never trust porn sites.
- Try to use Genuine Microsoft Windows and other software as it is easy to get update of genuine softwares.
(Price is not an issue for them who want peace of mind. Do you work in your office without pay? Answer is ‘NO’. So if every thing have price than software must also companies use to pay heavy salary to software engineers for those softwares. Frankly speaking if you don’t use genuine software mean to say if you don’t pay for them but still using them than you don’t have any right to say about their good and bad things. Companies are liable to answer only those who pay them just like you are liable to answer you boss. You will listen abusing thing from any body else.)
You can also take them as Tips to use Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.
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