Monday, January 28, 2008

Frequently Asked Questions on RSS

What are News Feeds?

News feeds keep you informed when websites add new content. You get the latest headlines as soon as its published, without having to visit the websites you have taken the feed from.

Feeds are also known as RSS. Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an XML-based format for content distribution.

It allows you to view constantly updated headlines from You can choose which feeds you would like to display. RSS feeds are free and www. currently uses RSS 2.0.

How do I start?

There are a number of ways to access RSS feeds. You can install a news reader that displays RSS feeds from the Web sites you select, enabling you to view hundreds of headlines at once.

Once you have chosen a news reader, all you have to do is to decide what content you want it to receive.

For example, if you would like the latest Hindustan Times Cinema stories, simply visit the cinema section and you will notice an orange RSS button on the left hand side.

After installing the news reader, to get one or more feeds, right-click on one of the channels and select "Copy Shortcut" or "Copy Link Location" to copy the location (URL) of the service.

Follow the instructions for your particular news reader, and then paste this location wherever it asks for the location of the service. You can add each feed manually from the Web site by following the aforementioned procedure.

An alternative to downloading a dedicated news reader is to use a Web-based news reader.

Browser-based news readers let you catch up with your RSS feed subscriptions from any computer, whereas downloadable applications let you store them on your main computer.

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