Thursday, February 14, 2008

Configure your computer to Turn OFF Automatically

Many times computer is sitting idle because one had to attend some phone call or person at the door. This degrades and reduces the ideal working duration of the computer. Also, this results in wastage of power (electricity). You can optimize energy consumption of your computer by using a power management utility.

Another way to optimize and save power is to configure computer to turn OFF automatically. This is possible with the help of a small utility called ‘AMP WinOFF’. This utility is designed to shut down Windows computers automatically, based on number of different configurations.

You can set computer to turn OFF at certain time like 12:00 or make it go OFF after few minutes or hours. This utility works with Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP and has following features:
Shut down the computer when the CPU becomes idle.
Option for hang up the modem instead of doing a shut down.
Option for set a password to protect the access to the configuration.
Option for capture the desktop and/or execute a program before the shut down.
Option for run the program when starting Windows session, for daily shut down.
Immediate shut down and computer lock from the traybar icon menu.
Option for show an alert window, which allow the cancellation of the shut down.

One very good utility to overcome laziness to shut down the computer. Besides saving power, you will also increase working life of your computer by turning it OFF when not required. One utility to serve lot of causes, what say?

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