Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How long does it take to download movies?

It will always help if you have a fast Internet connection, but your download speed also depends on the speed of the server/source you are downloading a movie from. The following table should give you an idea of how long it would take to download a 700MB file (typical movie download) using your Internet connection under perfect circumstances.

Connection speed
Transfer speed
7 KB/s
16 KB/s
32 KB/s
64 KB/s
128 KB/s
256 KB/s
1.25 MB/s
Transfer time
28 hours, 27 mins
12 hours, 27 mins
6 hours, 13 mins
3 hours, 7 mins
1 hours, 33 mins
47 mins
12 mins

1Mbps is equivalent to 1000Kbps.

Please note that the transfer speeds and times quoted above are based on the maximum speed of your Internet connection. If you're downloading movies from a fast server/source then you might be able to achieve these transfer times, but in general your downloads will most likely take longer.

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