Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Quickly Launch Windows Control Panel Applets Like Add/Remove Programs, Date & Time, Display Properties

imagePower users like keyboard shortcuts and commands to quickly access many things in Windows. They save lot of mouse clicks and time. In this post let us see how to quickly launch Control Panel Applets using Run Command window.

Just like any executable program, Control Panel applets can be launched from Run Command window. Each Control Panel applet is a .cpl file located in the folder %systemroot%\system32.

To launch Add/Remove Programs( Programs and Features in Vista ) type appwiz.cpl in Run Window and hit enter.


As the list of Control Panel Applets are very exhaustive we are listing down only few important applets. For full list of applets look for .cpl files in the folder %systemroot%\system32

  1. access.cpl - Accessibility Controls
  2. appwiz.cpl - Add/Remove Programs
  3. bthprops.cpl - Bluetooth Devices
  4. desk.cpl - Display Properties
  5. firewall.cpl - Windows Firewall Settings
  6. hdwwiz.cpl - Add Hardware Wizard
  7. inetcpl.cpl - Configure Internet Explorer and Internet properties
  8. intl.cpl - Regional Settings
  9. javacpl.cpl - Java Control Panel
  10. joy.cpl - Game Controllers
  11. main.cpl - Mouse Properties and Settings
  12. main.cpl,@1 - Keyboard Properties
  13. mmsys.cpl - Sounds and Audio
  14. ncpa.cpl - Network Properties
  15. nusrmgr.cpl - User Accounts
  16. powercfg.cpl - Power Configuration
  17. sysdm.cpl - System Properties
  18. wscui.cpl - Windows Security Center
  19. powercfg.cpl - Power Configuration Settings
  20. telephon.cpl - Phone and Modem Options
  21. timedate.cpl - Date and Time Properties

Note: Few of the above listed control panel applets are available only on Windows Vista Operating system. So few may not execute on your Windows XP.


1 comment:

Gopinath M said...

Oops!! So many posts from are replicated here. Please kindly remove them :)